Monday, August 8, 2016

My Journal (Family),(4th day)

This Saturday was quite a tiring day. We were at home all day. We were all so busy, me, my brother and sisters were helping our mom clean the house, We all did the house chores. Since we actually had no helpers, we need to clean up our own mess. Get those things that we need, on our own and not be lazy and ask someone else to get it for you. We all think this is a challenge from God, and we know we can pass this. It's worth it. It has also made me realize that cleaning the house is totally not easy.But right after cleaning the house, it feels so good knowing that you've done something great on this day. Right after cleaning the house, we can all rest or sleep for a while. We could also use our phone and use the internet. And honestly, it makes me so uncomfortable using the phone while seeing others clean or knowing that you haven't clean the house. Because I'm starting to getting used to it. Since it has almost or have been a month since we had no helper and no babysitter for my baby sister as well. Even though it's hard, we know that we can manage to do things as long as we're all helping and ding the house chores.

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