Wednesday, August 17, 2016

A father's love

Overview: A girl who hated and blamed her father, why her mother left them. She also hated him for not giving her the things she wants. He did everything for her, he worked for her even thought he is already weak for he is old. He always felt sorry for her, because he couldn't give her the life she wants. She never appreciate all the things that her father did for her. But what if you only realize your mistake, only appreciate when the person who did everything for you is...gone.

There was a girl named Alex who hated her life and her father.  She doesn't get what she wants. She also blamed her father, about why her mom left them. There weren't that rich for his father is only a tricycle driver. She always felt embarrassed with him around.

She thinks that people might judge her by the way she dressed. The day then came where she needed to buy a dress for prom. She went home from school with a worried face because she knows her father can't afford to buy her a new dress for prom and realized that she wouldn't be able to join prom because of that.Her father asked her what was wrong, she didn't reply. When her father was about to asked again, she suddenly shouted " Why do you even care?? I don't need to tell you because yuo can't even help with my problem because you don't have any money."

She went outside the house and slammed the door. Her father cried and was really hurt. She walked and walked till someone from the back called her, her neighbor. Her neighbor shouted, " Alex, come back, something happened to your father." she suddenly felt so nervous and ran as fast as she could. When she arrived at their house, there were a lot of people. She pushed them so she could pass and her jaw dropped by what she saw. Her father was on the ground.....dead. She went to him, sat on the floor and put her father's head on her lap.Her head down and she started to cry. She cried, " Fatherr...." continued crying....." father, please wake up...i still have to apologize to you". "I'm so sorry father, please forgive me" She lift her head up and asked her neighbor who called her, what happened to his father. She said " He had a...heart attack"..."I'm so sorry Alex". Alex wiped her tears and said " I'm very very sorry my father...for all the things I did. I promise to study hard and to have a good future for you. farewell my beloved father, I love you so much."

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