Friday, August 5, 2016

My Journal (Me time), (3rd day)

For today, it's just gonna be all about me. So what I normally do on weekdays is....well, wake up early in the morning and goes to school.Goes home at 4:30, and when I arrive at home, I'd do my home works. I'd also do this journal activity. This day, I visited the library with my friends almost three times. I went to the library to use the computer for our research in science and to also make a blog for Lourdes, my best friend.We also had a Friday mass before we went home. Right after we were dismissed, we went to the library since Grace needed to  use the computer and open her schoology account. While waiting for Grace, my sister called me and told me that we should be going home because my cousin arrived to pick us up. By the time I went home, I did my home works, as I said. I always want to finish all my home works on Friday so that I have nothing to worry and to think about on weekends. And so that I'd enjoy the rest of the weekend and to be able to rest as well. And since it's Friday, there won't be a problem staying up late so probably I'd be enjoying with some facebook, instagram and youtube tonight.That's all for now people....since what I did today was probably what a student would do during weekdays. Night! <3

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