Thursday, January 9, 2020

Taking Care of the Reproductive System

     The reproductive system is a system of sex organs within an organism which work together for the purpose of sexual reproduction. According to Kim Ann Zimmermann from Live Science, due to the system's vital role in the survival of species, many scientists argue that the system is among the most important systems in the entire body therefore, it is important for us to keep it healthy like the rest of the systems in the body. Taking care of the reproductive system means avoiding reproductive health issues, having safe pregnancies, experiencing safe sex and so much more. This system is what's making reproduction possible which is one of the basic functions of human beings. This tells us that it is crucial for all of us to take good care of it. 

        Currently, there are many issues regarding our reproductive system and health. One that I found was the lack of  access to sexual and reproductive health services, putting them at higher risk of unplanned pregnancy, abortion, sexually transmitted infections and HIV, and other health and development problems. This issue should be solved as soon as possible because it does not only affect those who are medically concerned but also those who don't have enough knowledge about sexual and reproductive health. With this issue solved, more people will be aware of the importance of taking care of the reproductive system and having safe sex and pregnancy, there will be less teen pregnancies and less people diagnosed or having reproductive illnesses. 

        To help solve this issue and reinforce the people's access to sexual and reproductive health services, one can use social media as an instrument to share their knowledge to as many people as possible. This will help, most especially teenagers whom are a lot more involved in social media these days. One can also choose to show their support in solving this issue like by simply talking about the importance of it and the changes that it will make in the society. The big help here is talking about it and helping as much people as possible.

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