Sunday, February 2, 2020

ACT Family Day 2020

          It is not everyday that we get to experience the fun of spending an entire day with both friends and family. I'm thankful that I got to do this once in every school year in the past years of my life because of our school's Family Day. Each year of celebrating "Family Day" at school is special. I get to experience different levels of excitement and joy with the people that I love. 

          This year's Family Day is extra special to me because it is the last one I'll celebrate with my batch mates and my teachers and in this school before we go separate ways for Senior High School. I was able to dance again with my class and batch mates. Honestly, I didn't want to join our dance competition because i knew that joining would mean getting home late and tired but now, I'm thankful, my teachers were able to convince me to. The hardwork and efforts we invested totally paid off because of the memories we made during our practices and our achievement in winning the competition. What made this Family Day even more memorable is simply because I was able to spend and enjoy it with the people who matter to me.

          This year's Family Day is very meaningful to me purely because it's the last one I'll be spending in ACT. It is, like most other events we had this year, a reminder that we must choose to enjoy and spend as much time with each other because these will give us memories to cherish forever.

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