Monday, December 9, 2019

Success is savored when you start taking steps.

" It takes guts to actually climb
thinking about it is just one thing
Success is savored when you start taking steps. "
- Jeanille Cogtas

          Based on experience, I would definitely agree with this quote. I, like many other people have plans for the future. As young as I am now, I'm starting to work on it and like most journeys of life, it's not that easy. There are many hindrances and obstacles to face and experience and the first one that I had was the fear of starting the journey itself. It really does take guts. I takes guts to start taking the steps and to continue making them after each obstable and challenge. I think we must not only acknowledge the rigors of the journey but also to what it leads which is success. 

          Growing up, I was taught and constantly reminded about many things regarding success. I learned that in order to achieve one's goals and savor success, one must work hard, have determination and perseverance to try again and not give up after a failure. To succeed, one must also have the courage to try new things and step out of the comfort zone because this will help a person grow and teach the person to be more flexible and to easily adapt which makes him or her more likely to succeed.

          Like some other people, I don't always have the guts to take the steps towards my goals and dreams. Perhaps, it's the fear of failing or the fear of being judged during the journey. I worry a lot about this fear because it's making success seem impossible. Although, I am still thankful that my fear of not succeeding is bigger. As I am working on my goals, I'm taking little steps but making big differences. I am starting to see the true importance of those little steps, no matter how little they are, each of it brought me closer to my success. 

          The message that this quote is conveying is that thinking and planning for your goals and future is different from working on them. The journey to success can surely be terrifying and dismaying. A lot of people will judge and discourage you and you may fail countless times but all of these will teach and help you grow to be a good and successful person. All of these, no matter how difficult, will earn you your success.

          This reminded me of many popular people who had shared their stories to the world, on how they achieved their goals. One of these people is Catriona Gray. Through her work and her achievement of earning the crown as Miss Universe 2018, I've known her past, her story. I found out why she wanted to become a Miss Universe and it is because she wanted to have a voice and to help more people through her stature. Through her journey, she kept an advice from her father in mind and that is to take small steps because one day, you may find yourself achieving your goal and savoring the success.

          There are many things that make life terrifying which is why having courage is crucial. We must always choose to take the steps, it doesn't matter how big or small those steps are, as long as your moving then it is enough. We must never stop making these steps for one day, it will bring us to where we want to be and we will finally be able to savor that success.


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