Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Reaction: The Judgement of Paris

A painting of Walter Crane

     The judgement of Paris was a selfish kind. It was like he was enveloped in greed. He had only thought of his self and his want. His decision was also mindlessly done. He did not think of the probability of a conflict between the three godesses and the chances of it to grow and affect many. 

        Paris wasn't the only one who became the reason of the beginning of the Trojan War, Aphrodite also had a part. She showed her desperation by bribing Paris to choose her in exchange of Helene to become his. The abduction of Helene led to the Trojan War which resulted to the fall of Troy and the defeat of the Trojans.

          Relating this to real life, the story teaches the importance of one to always be mindful and unselfish to others. It is not wrong to want something or someone but not travelling the right path to get it is.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Trojan War

     A war does not always involve two kingdoms having a conflict. It is not always like the Trojan War. A war can consist of a person and his rival, a mind and a heart or a person and his self. Although, what it's about doesn't matter but what comes out of it does. I've read quite a lot of books and heard stories of other people that prompted me to believe that difficult experiences earn you a lesson. A war is one of those difficult experiences that a person can have and something that can test, teach and possibly change them. For me, some of the things you can learn from a war is the importance of having courage during fearful times and to know what is right and what must be done.

     According to my research, the Trojan War may have really happened since some people have been to Troy and say that the site matches the description in the story both geologically and architecturally. Many pieces of evidence were found and one is the catalog of the Greek cities in the Iliad that sent ships of men to the war. Some of the cities in the catalog were unknown to later recorded history and lost even at the time of Homer but archaeological evidence has been found that indicates they existed in the Heroic period of the Late Bronze Age when the Trojan War was fought. Although many evidences were found that helped prove that the war really did happen, I put into consideration that the characters mentioned in the story were Greek gods & goddesses which are part of the Greek Mythology which means they never existed. Because of this, I came up with a theory that the story of the Trojan war was slightly changed and the characters became the gods and goddesses from the Greek mythology.

          It hasn't helped me yet but I believe that it will since because of it, I have known the effects of a war. Although a war teaches us, it is still netter to avoid it. It has encouraged me to lengthen my patience and understand the things, the people around me and myself more to avoid war. It taught me that a war may begin with a few involved but later, it may affect many others.

     Whether the Trojan war happened or not, what matters is the story has been shared to the world. This story has taught many different things to many different people and I'm one.