Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Cats are better house pets than dogs

                                   Cats are better house pets than dogs (negative)                      

                             Cats are better house pets than dogs or are they? Yes, for others they might be but dogs are also good house pets because they are great companions and are fun to be with. They are good guardians and definitely a man's best friend. 

                             First of all, dogs are great companions. If you want a constant companion, dogs are your animal. They'll walk with you everywhere you go and trot by your side as you explore new surroundings. Cat people may tell you that dogs are too noisy but you can train them to bark, to be quiet, to sit, to come and other things. According to my research, most dogs enjoy training. It seems to give them a sense of purpose. It's a job, and most dogs love to work. Plus, many dogs are highly motivated by food and attention. They'll gladly sit, stay shake, lie down and roll over in exchange for an edible reward. Dogs seem to display a sense of pride when they've done a good job. In fact, dogs often "act out" because they're bored. They need more exercise and mental stimulation. Training helps provide he latter. 

                            Second of all, dogs are great guardians. When they're with you, they dont only walk and play with you but they are also watching after you. Not only you but also your home, if ever you're not around, they will guard your house. Let's say you had to leave the house because you needed to go somewhere. If ever an intruder comes, it will frighten and bark him or her off. They would also bite someone they're not familiar with who goes into your home but it doesn't mean they are not good pets. They would only bite the person whom it thinks is possibly gonna harm and will do no good to your home.  But they are very sweet and respectful to good people around them.

                           Lastly, dogs are also great stress reliever, as I've seen videos and facts online, if your tired and stressed, dogs will be there to accompany you, they will cheer you up and cuddle with you. Also, less stress for you because you'll no longer have to worry what to feed them because (according to my research as well) they eat whatever you put in front of them.

                           Cats aren't always the better pets, dogs are great pets because they play with you, guide and protect you and will cheer you up just like your best friend.